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November 29, 2008


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NH, Cora.


Best birth video EVER. I showed it to my wife and she cried.

Your child was beautiful from her first breath.


Cora looks a lot like Rick Astley.


Great, now your birth is stuck in my head.


Fantastic footage. Strange that Cora has already made a public appearance in the Macy's Day Parade...and before birth too, I believe.


No amount of love for you, your mom or your dad can make me watch your birth video. I just don't roll like that.

But I'm sure glad you're finally here. And you are as cute as button. Welcome to the world, darlin'.


AWESOME POST. Best baby blog post ever.


i just got rickrolled by cora?! she is SUCH a caldwell. ;)

red sole

Those are super cute. I like you on Facebook.

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Cora Stats

  • Birth date, time: November 29th, 2008 - 11:44am

    Birth weight: 8 lbs, 8 oz

    Birth location: Scripps Encinitas

    Last ultrasound: 8 lbs, 10 oz

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