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February 02, 2009


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Dear Cora,

My mommy and I enjoy coming to your coffee shoppe. You are quite the scribe. You make me laugh. Your mommy must have been taking witty pills while she was pregnant with you. My mommy must have taken couch potato pills when she was pregnant with me cause I love to eat and watch sesame street. Well I like to do other stuff too, but uh, you know... My mom says your Mom and Dad are really lucky to have you cause you're so cool. I hope to hang out with you sometime soon. Your friend, Sophia Ray

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Cora Stats

  • Birth date, time: November 29th, 2008 - 11:44am

    Birth weight: 8 lbs, 8 oz

    Birth location: Scripps Encinitas

    Last ultrasound: 8 lbs, 10 oz

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