It's hard to believe it's already been a year - but time flies when you're having fun. Cora Lyn Caldwell is one year old today. Here's an iPhone pic of her eating pancakes this morning.
So - what is Cora like and what does she like right now?
Personality & Language
- Cora is equal parts sweet and silly.
- She loves flying birds and other little kids.
- Cora is enthralled with books her own size. She does look like she's reading them (nearly always right side up) and enjoys turning the pages. And she's partial to pop up books or pictures of other babies and animals.
- She is crawling, cruising around furniture and walking fast if holding onto your hands but hasn't taken any first steps yet.
- Her favorite TV shows are Yo Gabba Gabba and Sesame Street (particularly Elmo's World)
- On the silly side - Cora likes pillow fights, slapstick humor and silly sounds and faces, and crawling under things - especially her Auntie Val and Uncle Jon's kitchen table.
- She smiles a lot, is generally happy and mellow, but can get a little mad if you hold her back from doing what she wants.
- Her favorite shirt is from her Auntie Katie and is covered with little penguins. She likes it because we sing a penguino song and poke all the penguins on her belly.
- Cora can make the sounds of a dog, elephant and cow.
- Cora understands and can react to several words in Spanish that her Nanny Martha taught her including Baile (dance), Aplaudid (clap), Tope (an affectionate touching of foreheads), uno, tos (cough), brinca (jump) - and probably some more. She also knows sign language for "all done," her bottle, and pick me up.
- She high fives, waves and has just started blowing kisses. But mostly she'll cock her head to one side and give you the love eyes if she wants to give you some love.
- Cora loves strawberries, zuccini, and chicken and rice that Martha makes her. She'll eat sweet potatoes, loves bread, prunes, apple sauce, bananas, avocado and pears. She'll eat other fruits like grapes and apples, but it's watermelon and strawberries that make her the happiest.
- She's also a cheerio fanatic.
- Does she sleep through the night? She has for many months until we took her to Charleston a few weeks ago. Now she prefers our bed, especially at 3am. She'll sleep 9 hours at night and 2-3 hours over two naps during the day.
- We'll have to update with her weight and height later.
Here are all the cities she's been to:
- San Francisco (at 6 weeks old)
- New York & Charleston (4 months)
- San Francisco & London (6 months)
- Various trips to Vegas & Los Angeles throughout the year
- Atlanta & Charleston (11 months)
We want to thank everyone who has followed along on the blog over Cora's first year. We're really happy we can give her a 'picture book' that she can look back on for years to come.
We love you Cora.
Mommy & Daddy
WHAT??? Cora is 2!!!!!
Happy B-day, Beautiful!
Posted by: Heather | November 29, 2009 at 08:09 PM
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Sweet little "Baby Cora"
We love you so!
Rylie, Seth & Leigh
Posted by: Leigh | November 29, 2009 at 09:13 PM
You are a beautiful spirit and a beautiful girl. We are so blessed to have you on this Earth. You make it a better place.
Love from your mom's favorite editor
Posted by: Catharine | November 30, 2009 at 07:17 AM