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March 09, 2010


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Michelle Leo

Awww Jenny you totally made me cry. That was so sweet! This IS your baby book and so much better because it's interactive, dynamic and FULL of so many beautiful memories. I love it and read it all the time so I feel connected to you guys even though I'm so far away.

love you.

Dannica Wood

I love the way you write, Jen! I do hope that somehow you can print/save these blog pages to just throw into a box somewhere.....what better baby book to do something with in the future! I'm going to try to look back, reflect, and put a book together on how we felt raising Casey, so you're way ahead of the game...those memories fade all too fast!

Keep it up! Dannica

Laurie McAndish King

What a beautiful photo. Cora's smile is amazing. Yours is beautiful, Jen, but Cora's is *amazing.*

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Cora Stats

  • Birth date, time: November 29th, 2008 - 11:44am

    Birth weight: 8 lbs, 8 oz

    Birth location: Scripps Encinitas

    Last ultrasound: 8 lbs, 10 oz

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