Dear Cora,
There is a strong chance I might never make you a baby book. Your Nana might, and some years from now my mind might get fuzzy and I might accidentally tell you that I made the book, unless she used a font I didn't like, in which case I definitely won't take the credit.
Nonetheless, this blog might be all you ever get.
That's why I'm posting this overly grainy iPhone pic I took tonight. We had just finished your bath— you love taking baths and when I ask you if you want a bath, you pound your fists horizontally together, the sign for more—and I told you that we were going to tell Daddy you're all clean now.
We always do this after you're done with a bath, but usually he's in the house. Tonight, we held up the iPhone to take the pic and instead of grabbing for it like you always do, you started jabbering away, as if you were talking to him. And you smiled, willingly and quickly, as if you knew he might be on the other end of the phone - 5,477 miles away.
You're beautiful, Cora.
And you had a good day today, which you usually do. 9.5 times out of 10.
I love you,
Mommy the mush ball.
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