Move over William Shatner - my daughter wants your job! Cora loves playing with iPhone and iPad apps. This week she ventured away from her usual toddler apps to try something new.
Make sure you turn your sound down low - or off. There is an annoying mother talking through this video of these three adorable little girls riding the merry-go-round in Golden Gate Park. The carousel is located at Koret's Children's Quarter, the oldest children's playground in the nation.
Dan, Jen & Allegra
Bob & Audrey
Oscar, Mary & Cip
Molly, Philip & Ella
...all came out for our toddler playdate in the park. It was a real treat to spend time with long time friends as parents. I think Dan even commented about us having kids while we were on the merry-go-round. I've known Dan since we were in 7th grade. Molly too. Oscar since college at USC and even though I've known Bob (and his wife Jenn) the least amount of time - it's still almost ten years.
Life is good. Sunny weekends in the park are important - make time for more of them.
Mommy said I have to make a New Year's Resolution. I thought she said
Elmo Solution - a way for me to skip ahead to Elmo's World when
watching Sesame Street, but she told me to try again.
So, for my New
Year's Resolution I'm going to eat more ice cream. This was only the
third time I'd ever had it, but I already know this is the best food
E-I-E-I-ooooooh how cute! Mommy was singing to Cora and Cora
immediately wanted to help. We nabbed her on video while she still
wanted to sing Old McDonald Had a Farm. 11 months.
Hi Everyone -
Here's a short video of me eating something called a mango. That is some strong stuff, I tell you what. Check out Mommy and Uncle Jason laughing at my reaction. I will have my vengeance someday - oh yes.
Cora loves Mangoes from john caldwell on Vimeo.
Daddy challenges any of you to find something cuter than this. Here is Mommy and I discussing Obama's stimulus plan, which - while I have high hopes for it, could crash and burn under the weight of the underlying assets not supporting the monies allocated to them, or something like that.
Trust me, that's what were discussing. I'm also working on a coo-l translator for my cooing. Check it out, and I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it. Bye.
Cora wants to be a movie star from Jen Leo on Vimeo.
Any old hand will do. You see, I've discovered my hand. I love sucking on it. It has replaced my beloved Binky as my favorite thing to put in my mouth, at least for now. Daddy tried to get me to show off my mad skills in this video, but in my opinion he only partially succeeded. Bye.
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