I'm told since I live by the beach, I have to get used to the water. So, Mommy and Daddy have been taking me to my first class ever - a swim class. It's in the world's biggest sink. The sink Mommy & Daddy bathe me in can only hold me - like 100 people fit in this sink!
Now, I like the water just fine. I don't understand why I should be asked to 'do the hokey pokey', or participate in the 'pancake song'. Can't I just sit in the water and kick my legs??
Here's Daddy and I getting ready to hop in the sink.
And before we know it - it's showtime! Daddy got me a ducky that i love to 'chase' around. Actually its Daddy that does the chasing - I just sit and reach for the duck.
Class is over soon cause they start something called 'water polo', or 'marco polo'...I'm not sure - I'll get back to you on that. Bye.
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